


東京都内の渋谷、六本木、西麻布を中心に18歳の頃より数多くのナイトクラブでレギュラーDJをこなす。 デビューと同時にDJとしての頭角を現し、普及前のAblton Liveを現場に導入。サンプラーとDJを織り交ぜた独自のリミックスで、様々なイベントを盛り上げ成功させていく。

自らが手がけたプロデュースイベントは数多く、六本木で手がけたイベントではのべ20000人を動員した実績を持つ。 また、各著名人との共演も数多く、 世界的にBIG NAMEのLIL JONをはじめ、NE-YO、Henry Fong、4B、国内では岡村隆史、土屋アンナ、などとも共演。 2015年、若干23歳ながら毎週末1000人以上を動員する六本木、西麻布にあるBRAND TOKYO (現ALIFE)のRESIDENT DJに抜擢される。

更に2016年、西麻布、R TOKYOのRESIDENT DJに抜擢。 夏フェス「Water Wars」にもゲスト出演。 プレイスタイルはジャンルを超えた選曲でフロアを湧かす、オープンフォーマットスタイル。 繰り出されるサウンドはEditとオリジナルを織り交ぜた、オリジナリティ溢れるプレイが特徴的。 また、得意とされるジャンルは多岐にわたりリスナーに絶対的な評価うけている。

楽曲制作においては、幼少期より様々な音楽にふれ、ピアノ、バンド、リミクサーを経て現在に至る。 Avex、SONY musicなどのアーティストの楽曲制作の実績を持つ。



Born in Kanazawa City and raised in Ishikawa Prefecture, The open-format DJ embodies a fusion of Korean and Japanese heritage, finding their creative home in the heart of Tokyo as a specialist in event production.
Their journey commenced at the age of 18 when they first stepped into Tokyo’s vibrant nightclub scene, taking up regular DJ gigs at renowned venues in Shibuya, Roppongi, and Nishi-Azabu. Almost immediately, their DJing skills shone and were early adopters of Ableton Live, a move that would revolutionize the industry. With a distinctive knack for blending sampler and DJ techniques, their unique remixes became the pulse of numerous successful events.
Then, soon began producing various events, drawing massive crowds, with one notable Roppongi event attracting up to 20,000 attendees. Eclectic talent has also led to unforgettable performances alongside global icons like Lil Jon, Ne-Yo, Henry Fong, and 4B, as well as domestic luminaries including Takashi Okamura and Anna Tsuchiya.
In 2015, at 23, earned the coveted position of resident DJ at BRAND TOKYO (now ALIFE) in Roppongi, consistently commanding audiences of over 1,000 every weekend.
By 2016, it had solidified its reputation as a resident DJ at R TOKYO in Nishi-Azabu while appearing at the electrifying summer festival, “Water Wars.” trademark open-format style transcends genre boundaries. It is guaranteed to ignite any dance floor. The music repertoire masterfully intertwines edits and original tracks, a testament to the distinct style and genre-hopping prowess that earns universal acclaim.
From a young age, DJ has been immersed in music, exploring various instruments such as the piano and engaging in bands and remixing endeavors. With remarkable journey has seen them producing music for renowned artists under prestigious labels like Avex and Sony Music.
Not stopping there, extended the creative reach to provide music for films, commercials, sports teams, and diverse corporate entities, in addition to collaborating with artists and undertaking mastering for many projects.
In 2016, they took on the role of the main personality for a popular music radio program distributed by @FM for over a year, where they welcomed numerous guest artists and rapidly gained widespread popularity.



Afrobeat 70%
Korean & Japanese Music 75%